Bande son originale et exclusive pour le Sport

Since 2015, audiospheric has been supporting production companies, agencies and brands in the conception and production of original music and sound design for films aimed at the sports sector (Advertising, brand film, ITV and motion design).

With our in-depth expertise in sound engineering and musical composition, we have produced a rich and varied range of soundtracks. Here are a few recent examples:

TCR World Tour - Generic Racing 2023

Electro music that adds nervousness and tension to the credits. A sound logo that is used throughout the rest of the content.

Babolat - TV commercial 2023

Hip-hop and rock music to appeal to a young target audience. Spectacular sound design in tune with the animation for an outstanding experience.

Paris2024 - Bouger + pour apprendre mieux avec Michel Cymes - ITV, report 2020

Pop music inspired by the hit of the moment to reach out to school audiences and raise awareness of the importance of sport in schools.

CNOSF - L'intégrité Sportive - Motion design animation film 2021

Classical, cinematic music reinforces the narrative, raising awareness of the risks of doping, corruption and match-fixing.

We believe that original music is one of the best ways to create memorable experiences. Our audio marketing work connects audiences to brand objectives using the emotional power of music.

Nous pouvons vous accompagner pour vos besoins en :

🎯 – Identité sonore (signature sonore)

🎹 – Musique originale

🔊 – Design sonore

🎙️ – Voix off

🎚️ – Mixage